Geneva meet waiting on labour union input

An International Labour Organization official on Sunday urged local unions to present their views on the contentious Trade Union Law to the body’s Committee of Experts, a request that has so far found little traction. The ILO’s Committee of Experts will meet in Geneva, Switzerland, on November 23 and take up the government’s report on the recently promulgated Union Law. The committee routinely assesses reports on legislation passed by member states and measures its compliance with ratified ILO conventions. At a meeting of independent and pro-government unionists on Sunday, Alain Pelcé, a senior international labour standards and labour law specialist with the ILO, said he again pushed unions to send a letter to the committee, which would be then considered during their assessment of the Union Law. “I was at the meeting yesterday and insisted again in my presentation on the importance for the Committee of Experts to have the views of the unions,” he said, via email.